Aide’s note to Biden: ‘Sir, there is something on your chin’


President Biden left himself with what appeared to be actual egg on his face at a virtual meeting with governors Friday — setting off a hard-to-watch series of events.

Biden had to be alerted by an aide to remove a speck from his chin during the event, which was livestreamed from the White House.

The meeting to discuss wildfires with a group of governors from Western states was underway — and Vice President Kamala Harris was speaking — when the staffer slipped Biden a note about his grooming goof.

“Sir, there is something on your chin,” the handwritten message read.

Biden appeared to have a yellow-orange and translucent object, resembling a piece of egg yolk, on the right side of his chin.

The 78-year-old commander-in-chief read the message, then wiped his chin with his left hand and looked at his fingers.

Then things got even more unsettling.

In a move reminiscent of Spaulding Smails in the comedy classic “Caddyshack,” Biden studied the apparent breakfast leftover, now on his fingers, and brought his thumb and forefinger to his mouth.

The president then rested the back of his hand over his lips, giving them another wipe, a video clip of the incident shows.

After all that, the president undermined his own attempt at subtlety by picking up the card with the hastily written note and used the back of it to take notes.

In doing so, he inadvertently showed the note to news photographers covering the event.

Biden has left himself with plenty of metapho... (Read more)

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Submitted 998 days ago

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