Greta Thunberg: U.S. Isn't Serious About Climate Unless It Bans Fossil Fuel Subsidies


Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg testified Thursday before a House of Representatives panel that President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill should ban fossil fuel subsidies if he wants to prove his seriousness about combating global warming.

A transcript is as follows:

Teenage climate activist Greta Thunberg testified Thursday before a House of Representatives panel that President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill should ban fossil fuel subsidies if he wants to prove his seriousness about combating global warming.

A transcript is as follows:

REP. RO KHANNA: Could you speak a little bit from an international perspective about what message we would be sending in Congress if we passed a infrastructure bill and did not have the elimination of fossil fuels subs... (Read more)

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Submitted 1098 days ago

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