Pompeo: China has 'no intention of honoring' any commitments it makes at climate summit


Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joined "Fox Business Tonight" Wednesday to discuss Thursday's U. S.-led climate change summit, which will provide the setting for the first meeting between President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

POMPEO: My expectation is we’ll hear what we’ve heard from the Chinese Communist Party before, a series of commitments that they have absolutely no intention of honoring. They have broken more promises over these last years, including a promise to President Obama that they wouldn’t militarize the South China Sea. We need to see real actions. I don’t know what Xi Jinping will say precisely tomorrow, but American security, American prosperity, depends on watching what the Chinese actually do, not what they speak about in summits or phrases that they have no intention of actually carrying out.

One of the things that we [Trump administration] were careful to do was that we didn’t make commitments, we didn’t make threats that we weren’t prepared to execute or deliver on. We were careful in what we said and bold in what we did. I hope this administration doesn’t flip that on its head. The moment these adversaries find out that we are making promi... (Read more)

Submitted 1094 days ago

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