'Can't support that': Senate Democrat Joe Manchin opposes expanding Supreme Court


West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin said he would not support any effort by Democrats to expand the number of justices on the Supreme Court if Joe Biden wins in November.

Manchin, a Democrat, explained the Senate was designed to cool down the political atmosphere by deliberating the legislation that was pouring out of the House in a bipartisan fashion. He told CNN that he would not vote to expand the court because it could cause the Senate to "not to be able to work in a bipartisan way."

"That is not something that I would support," Manchin said on Sunday. "I can’t support that. The whole premise of this Senate, in this democracy, the experiment of ours, is just certain decency and social order that basically has been expected from us and especially from the Senate from the beginning of our government. Now all of a sudden they’re going to say, oh, you don’t have to talk anymore, you just have to have 51 votes and forget about the minority."

"Well, the minority has always played an important part in the Senate’s proceedings because it was supposed to basically take our consideration, if you’re in th... (Read more)

Submitted 1311 days ago

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