Donald Trump Jr. goes on the attack during Dauphin County stop


President Donald Trump’s campaign continued its all-out effort to win Pennsylvania on Wednesday as his oldest son spoke at a gathering at a sportsman’s club outside Harrisburg.

Donald Trump Jr. said little about policy or his father’s record or plans for a second term. He devoted most of his 35-minute talk to criticizing and insulting Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

“He comes out of his burrow every few months like a groundhog,” he said of his father’s Democratic opponent. “Joe Biden can’t remember what day it is. He doesn’t know what office he’s running for. He confuses his wife with his sister.”

Trump railed against the media and liberals, saying they are in full cooperation to support Biden, and said a Biden presidency would bring about radicalism, loss of gun rights and communism.

He ridiculed Biden’s record as a U. S. Senator and vice president under Barack Obama. “If Joe Biden could fix anything, why didn’t he do it in the first half-century of his Washington career?,” he said.

Trump spent the first part of his talk ripping Biden’s son Hunter, accusing him of corrupt dealings around the world that would have resulted in prison for a son of Trump.

The audience seemed in full agreement, with some calling out remarks such as “sick” during Trump’s portrayals of Democrats, who he accused of refusing to take a stand against even pedophilia.

“Your father is saving our babies,” shouted an audience member.

Trump’s appearance at the Blue Ridge Sportsman Club came a day after FiveThirtyEight wrote that Pennsylvania is the most likely “tipping-point” state that will give either Trump or Biden the votes needed to win the Electoral College.

He asked the audience of roughly 300 to persuade as many of their friends as possible to vote for his father.

“We need the organic movement because we don’t get the free boosting,” said Trump, who claimed Democrats benefit from “billions of dollars of boosting from the mainstream media.”

His visit came as polls for months have shown Biden with a substantial lead in Pennsylvania, although some recent polls show the lead shrinking.

As of Wednesday morning, the Real Clear Politics average of polls from Pennsylvania has Biden leading Trump 49% to 44.7%. The results range from a 9 percentage point lead for Biden to a tied race, with several showing Biden’s lead within the poll’s margin of error, meaning the race could actually be tied or with a slight Trump lead.

The average of national polls has Biden leading 49.6% to 43%.

Both candidates are lavishing attention on Pennsylvania. President Trump participated in an ABC News town hall in Philadelphia on Tuesday night. Biden will be the focus of a CNN town hall on ... (Read more)

Submitted 1310 days ago

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