Jimmy Fallon under fire as blackface sketch resurfaces


Twitter users are calling for Jimmy Fallon to be 'cancelled' after a Chris Rock impression he did in 2000 resurfaced showing him wearing dark makeup.

It's the second time the clip has emerged in recent years and has reignited the debate on blackface and cancel culture.

Most recently it surfaced when Megyn Kelly was let go from The Today Show in 2018 after she defended blackface Halloween costumes.

On Tuesday, the 20-year-old video showing Fallon, 45, on Saturday Night Live was shared among Twitter users with the caption: 'NBC fired Megan Kelly for mentioning blackface. Jimmy Fallon performed on NBC in blackface.'

A similar tweet read, 'Megyn Kelly was dismissed for being insensitive in merely DISCUSSING kids wearing blackface on Halloween. Jimmy Fallon actually WORE blackface while impersonating Chris Rock. He's still working for NBC'

Soon after the hashtag #jimmyfallonisoverparty started trending as people discussed the issue.

Some lashed out at cancel culture, pointing out that 20 years is a long time to hold someone responsible for actions that were more accepted at the time.

'I wish, they do realize they have a 0% chance of even canceling him right? This was 20 years ago and nowhere close to career ending,' a user wrote in response to someone who tweeted the hashtag #cancelcultureisoverparty.

Another tweeted, 'this is unacceptable but it was also AGES ago I mean like, what? 2 or 3 DECADES? while it's important to bring it up because it's something that happened and ISNT AT ALL okay, he shouldn't be cancelled for it. BUT he needs to address it for what it is and apologise.'

Another person chimed in, 'Y’all whack. How long ago was this? Was this snl? No one can be famous anymore bc we’ve all don... (Read more)

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Submitted 1445 days ago

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