Greg Gutfeld Is Thinking About Legal Action Against Media Matters Hack


The most recently available data suggests that the left-wing attack dog Media Matters has a budget exceeding $10 million, dozens of staff, and a website that receives less traffic than

While it’s unclear why it costs tens of millions of dollars to do this, Media Matters’ primary activities include sitting around watching Fox News all day, then deliberately misrepresenting what was said on Fox News in hopes that people who don’t sit around watching Fox News all day won’t bother to check the context. It’s an easy gig for journalism grads who lack the analytical skills to work for actual news outlets, I suppose.

Slander is their game, and for once it may actually come back to bite them.

Andrew Lawrence, a “senior researcher” at Media Matters (a truly prestigious title!) accused Greg Gutfeld of lying about taking the coronavirus seriously months ago, because other people on his show “The Five” who are not Greg Gutfeld didn’t take it as seriously as he did.

Greg Gutfeld says Fox's "The Five" sounded the alarm on coronavirus back in January……BUT he's lying

Gutfeld then fired back at Lawrence, who obviously knows better. “This media matters is deliberately lying. He could have checked but didn’t. See my pinned tweet now and demand he retract” he told his followers.

This media matters is deliberately lying He could easily have checked but didn’t. See my pinned tweet now and demand he retract.

The tweet Gutfeld was referring to showed him cautioning about the coronavirus on January 28th, a time when Media Matters was busy putting Rush Limbaugh on blast for suggesting we ban Chinese individuals from entering the United States (i.e. the most effective thing that could’ve been done at the time to stop the spread of a virus from China).

this was January 28th. what were media hacks who are acting like they're ... (Read more)

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Submitted 1480 days ago

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