Pelosi and Schumer call for paid sick leave for coronavirus patients -

Excerpts from article:

...House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer urged the Trump administration to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus by stepping up workers' protections with a series of new measures.

...Details: Pelosi and Schumer said in a joint statement the administration should introduce paid sick leave for those impacted by COVID-19, enable widespread and free coronavirus testing access, expand programs such as SNAP food stamps, and reimburse patients for noncovered costs related to the virus.

..."However, President Trump continues to manufacture needless chaos within his administration and it is hampering the government's response to the coronavirus outbreak," they said in the statement, titled "Pelosi, Schumer to President Trump on Coronavirus Response: Put Health and Safety of American People Before Corporate Needs."

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Submitted 1561 days ago

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