Trump says coronavirus vaccine coming along 'rapidly,' appoints Pence to head task force -

Excerpts from article:

...As Americans' fears grow of a possible coronavirus outbreak in the U.S., President Trump was set to address the nation in a Wednesday evening news conference to discuss how his administration was handling the virus threat - even as top Democrats say he's putting lives in danger.

...After two days of the stock market tumbling, Trump blamed the media and Democrats for causing undue alarm and harming American financial markets.

..."Trump is putting American lives at risk every day, ignoring science, claiming the virus will 'miraculously' disappear by April and relying on 'warm weather' to end the spread of the virus," presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg's campaign said in a press release.

...During his 36-hour visit to India, Trump received briefings from staff and periodically checked the impact on Wall Street, tweeting at all hours to try to reassure Americans and the markets about the spread of the virus.

...As the media coverage of the virus has increased, Trump has grown concerned that even fears of an outbreak would stagger Wall Street, leading him to wonder aloud if Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar was the right person to lead the administration's response, the officials said.

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Submitted 1532 days ago

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