WATCH: Utah GOP Considering Resolution Calling For Romney to "Immediately Resign" From Office -

Excerpts from article:

...The Utah Republican party is weighing resolutions that would punish Mitt Romney for being the sole Republican to side with Democrats on his impeachment vote.

...Per KUTV, Sen. Mitt Romney may be clear of blowback at the state Legislature over his vote to convict President Donald Trump, but the Utah Republican Party has pending resolutions on Romney: one that expresses support for Trump's acquittal, another that supports legislation to recall a U.S Senator and a third that calls for Romney to "Immediately resign" from office.

...Now, Beckham is seeking to put the GOP on record, saying it "Strongly disagrees with the vote cast," and urging "All Utah elected Republicans to work with President Trump to implement the conservative policies of the America First agenda that are helping our country succeed."

...DailyCaller reports the Utah Republican Party is reportedly considering multiple resolutions following Sen. Mitt Romney's vote to convict President Donald Trump in the impeachment trial, including a resolution calling for his resignation.

...According to local Salt Lake City news outlet 2KUTV, "The Utah Republican Party has pending resolutions on Romney: one that expresses support for Trump's acquittal, another that supports legislation to recall a U.S Senator and a third that calls for Romney to 'immediately resign' from office."

Submitted 1528 days ago

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