"Unhinged" Rob Reiner: Trump a 'Malignantly Narcissistic Pathologically Lying Racist' - www.breitbart.com

Excerpts from article:

...Left-wing filmmaker Rob Reiner used President's Day to launch a vicious social media tirade against President Donald Trump, employing no fewer than six pejorative adjectives and adverbs to describe the commander in chief.

...Rob Reiner urged voters in a tweet to vow to elect a president in November who isn't a "Malignantly Narcissistic Pathologically Lying Misogynistic Racist."

..."On this President's Day let US vow that this Nov. we will elect a POTUS who is not a Malignantly Narcissistic Pathologically Lying Misogynistic Racist. One who believes in The Rule of Law, respects The Constitution, and doesn't grab women by the pussy," the All in the Family star said.

...On this President's Day let US vow that this Nov. we will elect a POTUS who is not a Malignantly Narcissistic Pathologically Lying Misogynistic Racist.

...Last week, Reiner called President Trump a "Criminal living in our White House."

Tweets mentioned:




Submitted 1528 days ago

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