Bernie Sanders insists he ‘always believed’ a woman could win presidency -

Excerpts from article:

...Sen. Bernie Sanders insists that he's "Always believed" a woman can be elected president - but added that gender could be a "Negative" for female candidates.

..."It is hard for me to imagine why anybody in the year 2020 could not believe that a woman can become president of the United States. If you check my record, I've been saying that for 30 years," Sanders said, noting that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote over President Trump in 2016 by more than 3 million votes.

..."Of course, I always believed and believe today that a woman can be elected president of the United States," he added.

...Sanders had been asked point-blank whether he made the comment to Warren during the debate.

...Warren pulled back her hand when Sanders went to shake it.

Submitted 1551 days ago

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