Pope Francis Tells Christians Not to Try to Convert Nonbelievers - www.breitbart.com

Excerpts from article:

...ROME - Pope Francis told Christian high school students this weekend they should respect people of other faiths and not attempt to convert them to Christianity, insisting "We are not living in the times of the crusades."

...The pope went on to say that a Christian should never try to convince others of the truth of Christianity, but should simply give a testimony of consistency and wait for others to ask about the faith.

...As he did last month, the pope then went on to cite the 11th-century French fictional epic poem La Chanson de Roland as an example of how Christians have tried to convert Muslims by the sword.

..."The memory of Pope Francis evoking the victory of the Franks over Muslims is therefore confused, because the expedition was not a victory," the writer observed.

...The pope told the high schoolers Friday that since he was a boy he had dealt with people of other religions, because his father was an accountant and would bring home business clients of other faiths.

Submitted 1678 days ago

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